I think he did an amazing job! I wish I had his talent and patience to do something like this but I don't. I'm just happy that he actually doesn't mind doing it.
This is me and my cute Ky-ky. He is getting to be just a big little boy, running around with his brothers and wanting to do whatever they are doing. He did finally start walking around the 18 month mark. His expensive braces are gathering dust up on a shelf somewhere. I will say that Jed was right in that we should have not gotten them for him, but hey, how I was supposed to know?? He isn't much of a talker yet but he's getting there. My favorite thing he says right now - "geek, geek." He means cheek and for me to lean over to him so that he can give me a kiss.
He is unlike Brek and Kaden in that he gets into EVERYTHING. One of his favorite things to do is to stack whatever he can find. Here is one of his master pieces. He actually did this himself!
Cupboards, drawers, closets, nothing is safe with him. Just today he had an Old Spice deodorant popscicle. Disgusting, I know. He was being super quiet and when I found him he was LICKING the deodorant and his breath smelled just like Jed's armpits. I called poison control just to be safe. He was fine and actually got mad when I took it away from him. Just the thought of that makes me sick!
After all the birthday fun, we packed our bags and headed down to St. George with Jed's family for the Easter break. It could have been a little warmer for me but at least we got some sun and got to spend some time together to just play and relax. We need to do that more often. Here are the all cute boys on a hike near Tuachan.